Page 7 - SALVADOR RESILIENTE S- INGLÊS novo com capa.indd
P. 7

ethnic and social diversity which shines through, at
 any moment and at every corner, in artistic expres-
 sions, culinary tradition and its religious syncretism.
 Salvador is many cities, it is plural and it is cultural.
 Salvador is a multiple capital, as are its identities, as
 a reflection of its diversified social fabric. The Re-
 silient Salvador project takes advantage of these
 origins and assets to face challenges that are not
 small nor few. The main highlight is the building of
 sustainable and fair growth, which will be capable
 of preserving the city’s heritage by promoting its
 economy and, at the same time, strengthening its
 social cohesion, in a group effort to build urban re-

 As many other strategies from the 100RC network,
 Resilient Salvador sets itself apart due to the way it           André Fraga
 places people at its center, a proposition that feeds            Secretary - Salvador’s Sustainability, Innovation and
 the main engine for resilience: from the planning of             Resilience Department
 a transport system focused on the human being,
 with micro-accessibility actions, to the effort of de-
 signing  and  requalifying  vulnerable  communities
 from the children’s perspective.
 Michael Berkowitz  As it could not be otherwise, the strategy recogni-  In 1832, during Carnival in the city, the British ship   red centers of hope of a better life. So there is the
 President – 100 Resilient Cities Program  HMS Beagle arrived in Salvador bringing a young   need to create solutions and scale them through
 zes the city’s diversity to promote a service-based
 economy in the historical city center. This aims at   naturalist on board. Here, Charles Darwin saw a tro-  networks such as 100 Resilient Cities.
 strengthening and modernizing the government so   pical jungle for the first time. He observed the buil-
 that it can meet the needs of the population, and at   dings had an exuberant architectural style of their   Both resilience and sustainability are crucial strate-
 Its culture is vast, its history is strong, and the future   the same time create a citizenship culture in which   own; there was something different about the light   gic concepts in this new age of urban governance.
 is a promise of resilience. Salvador is power, and its   resilience is a shared and existing value.   in this place and its beautiful blue sky, and people   The  effort  developed  by  the  Sustainability,  Inno-
 unmistakeable  personality  sets it apart  from  other   were much happier than ever imagined possible in   vation and Resilience Secretariat (SECIS), with the
 capital cities in Brazil and in the world. In the name   As you can see on the next pages, this is the result   Europe.  vital collaboration of other city departments, the
 of the whole team at 100 Resilient Cities, we are very   of a search for a strong foundation to help us de-  public, the academic and the private sector, has re-
 pleased and proud to celebrate the launch of the   sign an agile approach for the problem. The results   The Resilience Strategy was built with the aim of   sulted in a bridge to make Salvador a more integra-
 first Urban Resilience Strategy for Salvador: Resilient   show we can be certain that Resilient Salvador will   combining all this rich heritage: the human, histori-  ted and inclusive city. The initiatives proposed by
 Salvador. While congratulating the city, we also con-  perform its ambitions and actions with the primary   cal and natural aspects of the city. Urban and eco-  the Resilience Strategy are linked to the United Na-
 gratulate those who represent it and that have con-  and sovereign goal of having a positive impact on   nomic development is impossible without the ba-  tions Sustainable Development Goals and reinforce
 tributed to make this project come true. So we salute   the lives of all people who call this city their home.
 mayor Antonio Carlos Magalhães Neto, Secretary for   Now, the work to implement the projects designed   lance of natural ecosystems as input for the survival   our leadership role when it comes to sustainability,
 Sustainability, Innovation and Resilience André Fra-  by this strategy begins. We are excited and happy   of productive chains and businesses.  resilience and climate change.
 ga and Chief Resilience Officer Adriana Campelo, our   to be partners in this endeavour.
 partners and agents during this process.  Cities are the most logical route on the search for   The Resilience Strategy, which we are proud to pre-
 Resilient Salvador: a new reason, a new enchant-  solutions for the challenges faced by the planet. To-  sent, features the best of the Salvador spirit: it is
 Facing the Atlantic ocean, one of its famous highli-  ment. The world will admire and be inspired by this   day, most human beings live in urban centers and   creative, entrepreneurial, cultural and connected to
 ghts, Salvador is a multicultural city, full of a rich   beloved city, home of so many beautiful things.     this ratio is on the rise, as cities are also conside-  the world.
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